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Brad Cairns from the Center of Lean Learning and Sepp Gmeiner of Lignum Consulting are part of the BWA Lean Team who delivered a day jam-packed with key information and activities for manufacturers. The information shared highlighted the benefits of implementing and utilizing the Lean methodology. We had a lot of questions about Lean that day: “Where to start? What to read? Who should lead? Am I too custom for Lean? Who should be involved? How do we sustain Lean? Etc.. etc..One by one, the Lean trainers addressed all questions and led the way. Watch what BWA members have to say about the day!
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As the day progressed we peeled back the onion of Lean methodologies, history, fundamentals, how it can be applied to our wood manufacturing facilities through visual examples and later on put it to the test with a hands-on in-class experience!
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Everyone was able to walk away with a deeper understanding of the true value of Lean manufacturing and a thirst to continue learning more. Unfortunately, there is only so much information we can cram in one day. For those who wanted to continue the learning experience and focus deeper on their shops, the BWA has worked with Brad, Lynn & Sepp to facilitate such a request. Many companies are moving forward with the next steps of the BWA Lean program below.
To learn more about the BWA Lean Program and more details about this event, please contact Tara Davey at:
e: taradavey@bluewaterwoodalliance.com
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[av_heading tag=’h6′ padding=’0′ heading=’Bluewater Wood Alliance On-Site Lean Training’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=’#000000′ size=’28’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]
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Interested in a more intensive sales training course? We offer options tailored to suit the unique challenges of our members. Each training option begins with an intensive two-day assessment focused on identifying issues and creating a game plan.
You must be a member of Bluewater Wood Alliance to participate in the On-Site Training. Possible government subsidy is available through the Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG). It could cover up to 83% of the training investment. We can help you through the application process!
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- Talk to all of your people
- Video and pictures for personalized and more effective training
- Determine if we are a good fit for each other and if we feel you are ready
- Recommend a lean program, if applicable
- Review strengths and weaknesses
- List of Lean improvements to focus on, whether or not you engage with us further
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We focus on fixing your challenge. Training starts with a 2-day assessment followed by 1 week-long onsite training.
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We teach your people, and then get out of your way. Training starts with a 2-day assessment followed by 15 days of onsite training.
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We’re moving in, and we will be there every step of the way! Training starts with a 2-day assessment followed by 60 Days of onsite training.
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To learn more please log in to the member only area of our website.
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