The idea is to bring like-minded companies together for the purpose of joint projects in skills development, technology transfer, export development and experience exchanges in a bottom-up driven association.

What is a cluster anyway?
Industry clusters involve one industry, in a defined region, focused on manufacturing. They embrace supply chain, work with local academia for workforce development, and government partners to fund projects and activities, to help the industry thrive.
Clusters have been successful in Europe for the last 30 years. They are new to North America, where few true industry-led clusters exist. The Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario is the only cluster for the wood industry in Canada.
Articles on Clusters and WMCO: Must Read!
WMCO has curated this library of articles, interviews, and reports to help give more insight into what clusters are and what they can do. This is a perfect place to continue learning about the benefits of clusters.
Global Wood Clusters: What the World is Doing
Report: Wood Manufacturing Cluster – International Case Studies
Prepared for:
Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service
Ministry for Primary Industries – Manatū Ahu Matua Wellington
Ifor Ffowcs-Williams, Cluster Navigators Ltd, Nelson
Mats Williams, WilConsulting, Karlstad, Sweden
1 February 2022
This report reviews the experiences of thirteen countries that are taking very different approaches in adding value to their forestry resource, centred on regional clustering. Download the full report.
Industry networking: An important task to move your business forward
July/August Issue 2023
Written by Mike Baker
As we all get busy with the day-to-day operation of our businesses, its easy to fall into the trap of working “in” your business. This is especially true since the pandemic and the increased demand combined with our labour shortage… Click here to continue reading this article.
Collaborative projects: Big companies learning from small companies
May/June Issue 2023
Written by Mike Baker
Collaboration between SMEs is the winning ingredient for industries to be globally competitive. This has been measured and proven time and again by the EU Economic Development Commission: see my previous column Industry cluster countries lead the pack on GDP | Woodworking Canada… Click here to continue reading this article.
External benchmarking: Industry cluster's theme for growth
March/April Issue 2023
Written by Mike Baker
In my last column, we examined how industry clusters harness the synergies of competition to raise the capabilities of an industry’s performance, to become globally competitive. The fact that this applies to both suppliers and manufacturers, amplifies the value of cluster networks whereby the individual manufacturer can leverage the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those around them to improve and thrive… Click here to continue reading this article.
Competitor collaboration: One of the benefits of clustering
January/February Issue 2023
Written by Mike Baker
In my last column, we explored how Canada is beginning to recognize the value and purpose of industry clusters. We examined how in the EU, industry clusters actually inform and create the policy and programs that governments and stakeholders put in place to support SMEs (small, medium sized enterprises like yours’).
Interesting concept: SMEs getting to dictate their needs for governments to deliver on; with longer term goals that are non-partisan or subject to the winds of democratic government change. We are working with our government partners to support our industry, and we are making progress, and I will keep you updated in these articles… Click here to continue reading this article.
Industry clustering: Canada is catching up
November/December Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
In my last column, we shared some exciting news about the WMCO Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program. This took three years working with partners at NRCan to understand the value of working with clusters, and who are now trying to play a leadership role supporting them. Instead of programs granted to one company at a time, they engaged the cluster to help multiple companies at once. More of these funded projects for companies…Click here to continue reading this article.
Industry clustering: Collaboration takes flight
September/October Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
Part of the job of a cluster is to identify the collective needs of its members, and execute activities to meet those needs. WMCO identified the move to Industry 4.0 long ago as an important trend that small and medium sized manufacturers (SMEs) need to address to become globally competitive and engaged government partners to support…Click here to continue reading this article.
Industry clustering: Actions and results
July/August Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
In my last column, I discussed cluster examples around the world. I promised to provide some examples here at home of some of the activities and results of the WMCO wood industry cluster, and here are a few: examples of impactful events and some results with companies. First is an excerpt from a recent event… Click here to continue reading this article.
Success through cluster ecosystems: Our industry's future
May/June Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
In my last article, we discussed how the culture of our industry is beginning to respond to the need for change. Today I am going to discuss more of what else is being done globally with wood industry clusters, and some real-live results of cluster ecosystems. A recent global case study was completed on wood industry clusters that exist all around the world. This is an amazing document worth viewing, and I urge you all to do so. Click here to continue reading this article.
Culture change: Our wood cluster industry revolution
March/April Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
In my previous column, I spoke about the importance of industry collaboration and how industry-led cluster networks are contributing to the success of the 10 leading global GDP countries (Canada is #11).
Companies in Canada and our governments are starting to learn about the value and power of cluster ecosystems to drive the economy. But how are those countries really doing it? What makes the companies in those countries different from us? Is it technology and automation? The latter certainly makes a big difference. But the biggest reason, is culture change within the industry. Click here to continue reading this article.
Industry Cluster Countries Lead the Pack on GDP
January/February Issue 2022
Written by Mike Baker
In my previous column, I spoke about the importance of collaboration within an industry being the key to future success. Industry clusters in the EU are the hub of innovation and company growth and development. The idea is that the focus is not only on individual companies, but also on the development of the collective “whole” to be locally and globally competitive.
In industry clusters, concerns of domestic competition are put aside as minds and doors are opened to new ideas and ways of doing business. Synergies from sharing ideas and best practices and solutions merge into a collective sense of being on top of the “latest thing” that can move your business forward. Click here to continue reading this article.
Building Unity at the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario
Written by Matthew Bradford
Published: February 1st, 2022
Mike Baker is a firm believer in gathering strength through numbers. That’s why, in his ten years a Chief Executive Officer with the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario (WMCO), he has endeavoured to unite wood industry leaders and partners, addressing the obstacles and opportunities in their path. Click here to continue reading this article.
Collaboration: The key to our industry's future success
November/December Issue 2021
Written by Mike Baker
In my previous column, I addressed the definition of industry clusters, what they are, how they operate, and how they are different from associations. I also explained how clustering is new to North America and not as well established in our economic development framework as it is in Europe. In the EU, industry clusters are common in most countries, and they are the hub of innovation and industry growth and development. Click here to continue reading this article.
Clusters Around the World
July/August Issue 2021
Written by Mike Baker
In our last column we introduced the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario (WMCO). We offered some background and context on the evolution of the cluster and how it got to where we are today. Representing all segments of the value-added wood manufacturing industry, we are industry-led by a very engaged volunteer board of directors consisting of 10 manufacturing members, and three supplier associate members. In June this year, our board completed a five-year strategic plan. I will explain more about that later in the article. But first, what is it about this word “cluster”? What does it really mean? Click here to continue reading this article.
Introducing the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario
May/June Issue 2021
Written by Mike Baker
On behalf of the WMCO board of directors and its manufacturing and associate members across Ontario, it is our pleasure to have been invited to contribute a regular column for Woodworking Canada! We hope you will enjoy our column and find it valuable. But let’s start with some introductions and a bit of history and context. Click here to continue reading this article.