June 19, 2014 marked the date of the 13th BWA quarterly networking event with value-added speakers with a member twist!
When the members dictate the content of networking events, you know there is going to be value. When you combine that with opportunities to connect with other people in the wood industry, then you have an afternoon well invested to help you and your business move forward.
First, Paul Mingay of the MNR and Ontario Wood shared with members the advantages of engaging in the Ontario Wood program and how it can help your brand and your industry. For those of you who would like more information on Ontario Wood, please feel free to contact Paul anytime at: paul.mingay@ontario.ca
This was followed by a presentation by Marnie Downy of Ergo Inc. Members requested some insight and direction on understanding the implication of ergonomics for a diverse workforce, namely, your aging workers and your younger workers. Both demographics have their unique challenges, and Marnie provided some good information for members to take back to their facilities. Many members have challenges with repetitive strain injury in their plants, and facilitated Q&A gave members the opportunity to engage in some valuable discussion.
Finally, the afternoon capped off with the BWA Member Case Study Forum, where a BWA member tells their story of business transformation. Mike Vokes of Vokes Furniture in Owen Sound shared details of his lean journey, along with help from consultant Shawn Casemore, who assisted Mike in a number of his initiatives.
Essentially, change meant that it had to be first lead and demonstrated by Mike himself, and also it means perseverance and to constantly be trying new methods of engaging your employees. Reducing waste, increased through-put and shortened lead times are all results that are being celebrated. Members enjoyed hearing the story from one of their own peers, and Q&A allowed lots of valuable discussion to follow.
To learn more about the BWA, contact BWA Manager Mike Baker: manager@bluewaterwoodalliance.com

Paul Mingay of MNR and Ontario Wood presents the Ontario Wood program to members.

Marnie Downy of Ergo Inc. shares ergonomic strategies with members.

Mike Vokes of Vokes Furniture shares his story with BWA members.

Shawn Casemore of Casemore & Co. illustrates some results from the Vokes Furniture Lean Journey.
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