Interested in joining the project? Round 3 opens December 4th, 2024.
Interested companies should forward their completed project plans and expressions of interest to Mike Baker and Michael Petrie at WMCO. Project plans must adhere to the specified template and include all qualifying factors.
Instructions on how to apply:
1. You must be a member of WMCO in good standing to apply for this project.
For more information please contact Mike Baker or Michael Petrie
2. Download the application – click here.
3. Complete the application and E-mail back to Mike Baker or Michael Petrie
FED DEV Ontario: Digital Integration Project Overview
Government Investment
The Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), has pledged nearly $2.9 million in support to the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario (WMCO). This support is intended to help SMEs in southern Ontario adopt digital strategies, as announced by the Honourable Bardish Chagger, Member of Parliament for Waterloo.
Project Overview
This Fed-Dev initiative supports digital integration investments for WMCO’s member companies in Ontario, marking a significant push towards modernizing industry practices with a focus on digital transformation.
Funding Details
The project spans 2.5 years and aims to fund digital integration projects for 50 companies. The current funding round will cover expenses from April 1, 2024, to February 28, 2025, supporting up to 18 projects with a focus on digital integration. Eligible expenses can be funded at a 45% rate, with a maximum of $45,000 per project. The submission deadline for this round is March 18, 2024.
Submission Process
Interested companies should forward their completed project plans and expressions of interest to Mike Baker and Michael Petrie at WMCO. Project plans must adhere to the specified template and include all qualifying factors.
Next Round
The final round of funding will run from April 1, 2025, to February 28, 2026, aiming to support 22 projects. This includes special provisions for two projects to receive half the budget amount, highlighting the ongoing commitment to fostering innovation within the wood manufacturing industry.
Here are a few success stories:
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There is strength in numbers and with the support from our government partners we are moving the industry forward together.
Our Prior Projects & Stats
The IFIT Project
Government Investment
The Government of Canada, via the Minister of Natural Resources, provided $1-million to the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario (WMCO). This funding supported a collaborative study across 10 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within cabinetry, commercial millwork, and furniture sectors to propel Canada toward a clean energy future and strengthen its forest sector.
Project Overview
The IFIT Project aimed to integrate Industry 4.0 technologies to optimize information and material flows, demonstrating the role of innovative technologies in Canada’s wood manufacturing SMEs. This initiative sought to align with Canada’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 by establishing an industry roadmap for the adoption of these technologies.
Impact and the WMCO Perspective
Mike Baker, CEO of WMCO, called this project a milestone in innovation, highlighting the new collaborative approach between government and multiple companies, unlike past individual company-focused initiatives. The project underscored the competitive edge it provides to the Canadian manufacturing sector, supporting resilient industry work and showcasing the benefits of industry-led collaboration.
Project Emphasis
The study focused on a range of integration projects including CAD-ERP integration and digitized operations to streamline processes and minimize paper use on the shop floor. These efforts enhanced operational efficiencies and data management among the participating companies.
Future Direction
Funded by the Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program, the project not only supported the adoption of innovative processes but also fostered new product streams and emerging markets, contributing to a sustainable economic transition. Looking forward, WMCO plans to continue leveraging collaborative projects to benefit the industry, aiming to maintain the sector’s vitality and global competitiveness.

WMCO Quarterly Networking Event: A Day of Innovation and Collaboration at Taurus Craco