In recent weeks, we have all seen the rapid and devastating effects of the COVID-19 virus and its impact on the lives of everyone around the world and businesses alike. Every week, information is changing and evolving, and companies are left grappling with how to cope with this new environment.

Figure 1. Some of the 50 + attendees on BWA’s online discussions with wood manufacturers, suppliers, industry experts & provincial government stakeholders.
Recently the BWA has been ramping up services to provide a transformed digital landscape for wood manufacturers, suppliers, industry experts, and government stakeholders to come together to discuss, network, and help answer questions we are all sharing. Over 50 individuals attended the March 31st online roundtable discussion, so the BWA quickly responded with a follow-up event on Monday, April 6th.
Figure 2. Lucian Mihet, Export Development Canada (Above) discussing Financial Relief resources
April 6th’s online discussion brought forth information on Financial Relief and Health & Safety from Export Development Canada (EDC) and Industrial Safety Trainers (IST). For the first time in its 75-year history, EDC has domestic powers to support businesses that are not exporters financially.
Senior Account Manager, Lucian Mihet of EDC was online with the BWA to discuss a variety of financial resources now available to assist businesses and answer essential questions manufacturers are left wondering amidst the health crisis.
Also joining the discussion was President of Industrial Safety Trainers, Randy Dignard, who presented on how workplace regulations stand up to the Emergency Response Act. Many manufacturers are asking what constitutes essential businesses, how they can keep their workers safe, and what they can do in their companies to create a safe environment.

Figure 3. Randy Dignard, Industrial Safety Trainers (Above) discussing the topic of Health & Safety surrounding COVID-19
Already as this article is being written, the BWA is preparing for another online discussion. This time it will include Employment and Labour Lawyers to discuss and answer questions surrounding the health crisis and your business.
Additionally, the BWA has now launched an online discussion platform where members can now privately share resources, connect to discuss, and network in an environment that sets itself apart from the nuisance of social media platforms. Members were given a video introduction to the platform, and many are already quickly signing up.

Figure 4. Screen capture of BWA’s new online discussion platform for its members
All video discussions and information from these online events are now available to be watched again on the BWA’s new online discussion network and our members’ login page on
The BWA will continue to bring forward discussion opportunities via video conferences and include experts to help companies get answers to pressing questions they have for their businesses. Check back on our website for up to date information on the next event and reach out to us with your questions. If you are a member of the BWA, make sure you join our new online community! Contact us directly, and we will send you the link to join.
Mike Baker
Executive Director
Bluewater Wood Alliance
p: 226-668-5455
Ryan Tabone
Program Coordinator/Advisor
Bluewater Wood Alliance
p: 226-808-7585
Tara Davey
Program Administrator
Bluewater Wood Alliance
p: 519-270-7141
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