The Hon. Minister of Labour Laurie Scott poses with Mike Baker Executive Director of the BWA at the latest Quarterly Networking Event at Humber College.
On Thursday, March 28th, the BWA hosted it’s annual Spring Quarterly Networking Event at Humber College School of Trades Woodworking Center.
Many BWA members have experienced surprise visits from the MOL with mixed feelings. While we all want to ensure the health and safety for our employees, it can’t hurt to build better bridges between BWA members and the MOL who focus on safety.
Ron Landry, Provincial Coordinator at the Ministry of Labour’s Industrial Health and Safety Program brought a plethora of information for manufacturers to learn about including – what are the most common infractions, Lost Time Injury rates (LTI’s), past and on-going MOL reports, what companies can do if they receive an order & lots of related MOL resources guides, fact sheets, and reports. As well as sharing 2019-2020 provincial – initiatives outlining the focus area, sector, and phase for the rollout of these initiatives.
Did you know there is an online tool to find Ontario workplace health and safely statistics on business? Ron shared with the group: guides, tools, resources, checklists, and training business owners have access to. Make sure to attend these Quarterly Networking Events to capture all the details.
Following Ron’s presentation, Rob Halverson from Quinn Global provided examples of how various types of glue products and application methods can affect employees and efficiency of transfer of the product. What is the transfer efficiency in your shop? Are the methods being used the most optimal for your employees’ health?
The Cost to Buy. The Case to Save.

Frédéric Perrin (Above) reviewing with the crowd the BWA’s Buying Group at the Quarterly Networking Event.
Each week that passes, more manufacturers are preparing and sending in their purchase volumes data to the BWA. Frédéric Perrin, VP of Le Groupe 4CB flew all the way in from Montreal to extrapolate on the data collected thus far.
The BWA Buying Group is an industry-driven initiative that will continue to generate positive results as more companies participate. The initial phase of development of this Group will focus on Wood Sector specific categories, then has the potential to expand to new categories like Office/Shop supplies, Software, Services, etc.
Purchasing data/information is never distributed to any company or person. BWA staff do not see this data & manufacturer information is protected with an NDA agreement.
To date, the BWA in cooperation with Frédéric of Le Groupe 4CB has collected information that represents 19 categories and an aggregate total of purchasing power in the millions. All sectors of the wood industry are encouraged to contact the BWA to send in their purchase volumes. It’s a quick and easy process to be involved. Contact the BWA to find out how to participate.
A Health Check on Benefit Fees
“…we saved over 20%” – BWA Member

JP Coronado (Above) reviewing with the crowd the BWA’s Benefit Plan at the Quarterly Networking Event.
When service providers help you select a benefit plan for your company, are there hidden costs that are not well disclosed? JP Coronado representing the BWA Benefit Plan provided a case study on how this game-changing benefit plan is different than the rest. If you’re a company with 1-2 years of experience with a benefit provider, you may have experienced teaser rates in the first year, and noticed rates increased after that.
“When we switched to this benefit plan JP is talking about – we saved over 20%, and we’re very happy with it!” – BWA member exclaimed at the Quarterly Event, March 28th.
JP presented the impact of hidden fees and key ratios that providers utilize that greatly affect the efficiency of dollars spent on employee benefits. If you think its time to do a health check on your company’s benefit plan and find out what key ratios can save you money, contact the BWA to learn more.
Online & how your company is seen.

Chris Herbert (Above) reviews digital marketing at the Quarterly Networking Event.
In the digital era, a company’s online presence can make greatly affect the perception of a company. How they’re perceived; how they’re rated; what they present; and the impact that has on viewers. Chris Herbert, Managing Partner at Mi6 Agency, identified some key areas to recognize.
What is the customer experience when they navigate your website? Is your online presence attracting the audience you want? How does your customer traffic filter through your company, and does it get to the right staff?
To finish off the day Humber College provided a tour of their woodworking facility.
If you would like more information on BWA, please contact:
Mike Baker
Executive Director
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