On August 12th, the WMCO continued to facilitate discussions regarding the elevated prices with supply chains as well as constrained logistics channels.
Manufacturing members and suppliers of wood-related products segmented off into groups at the event themed around Lumber, Hardware, Coatings & MDF/Sheet-goods. Time intervals allowed groups to rotate their discussions and provide an opportunity to network within the virtual space.
Looking toward the next few months, the WMCO has begun laying plans with the anticipated WMS Show this fall, and eyeing the Live Stage as our first return to real in-person networking, speaking forums, and seminars.
As the WMCO prepares for the transition into a more hybrid environment, we have a full schedule including Lean Training, Sales Training, Leadership Training, Marketing, a hybrid plant tour (in-person & virtual), Health & Safety, the HSEP rebate Program, and more!
Make sure you check our events calendar after reading this article to mark the dates for upcoming events this August and September.
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