On Thursday, June 20th, the BWA hosted its Summer Quarterly Networking Event at the Walkerton Clean Water Center. Mike Baker, Executive Director of the Bluewater Wood Alliance opened the event with an update on current events and highlighted some new content set to roll out later on this year.
What makes great leadership and why?
To successfully implement programs such as Lean Manufacturing, Sales Growth Strategies, or other systems in your factory, you need your people all working together to see it through. What if you have a terrific system for your business but lack the strategic leadership, communication, team dynamics and productivity techniques to lead teams and implement your vision? Barry Reid of Leadership Management International was one of the speakers at Walkerton communicating and educating on a variety of components related to how to achieve success, define it, and attain it. What are the factors?
Have you ever set out a goal, got off track and didn’t achieve it?
What motivates people – which last and which fail?
If you have a list of wants and needs for your business but struggle to find time to achieve them, it is necessary to explore the root cause. Since we all have 24 hrs. in a day, how come some people are successful and others not? Leadership Management International works with companies to identify those roadblocks and help create actionable results-oriented solutions.
Have you ever had days when you’re just so busy, but feel like you got nothing done?
Time management is a critical function for Owners, Presidents & Managers and with that, Barry also presented on how to visualize effective time management and what to spot when we’re trying to stay efficient.
“I’m going to get that (time management graphic) tattooed on me after today!” – One BWA member said during the talk as the room broke out into laughter.
For over 50 years Leadership Management International has been developing leaders with process-driven techniques and programs to develop professional leaders for companies of all industries.
Estate & Succession Planning
Are you ready for retirement? Is your business ready when that happens? What about an unexpected change in plans? What if you can’t make decisions due to unforeseen circumstances?
Jill Sampson of The Alliance Lawyers located in Owen Sound presented on these important measures every business owner will need to asses at some point in their career. Jill separated the session into two focus areas: Estate Planning & Succession Planning.
In the matter of a Will, things to consider planning for may include: Who will be your executor? Do you have a residue clause in place? Is there going to be a trust set up? Who is your power of attorney if something unexpected were to happen tomorrow? “What if a family member has fallen out of favor or there is a separation?”, some BWA members asked.
Many wood manufacturers businesses are family run businesses. Managing the control of the business is another important area a business owner needs to plan for. Jill broke down categories within documents used to manage and plan for such life events.
Employment Law
After following up with a Q&A period on Estate and Succession Planning, Jill continued on to address an ever-changing and evolving landscape of Employment Law. Knowing how to correctly respond to employees who show up to work under the influence of a mind-altering substance or judgement impairing substance will help companies stay on the right side of the law.
The audience had great questions that had some unexpected answers, for example: “Where do my rights stand if I send someone home from work due to intoxication from alcohol?” Jill continued to inform us of case law examples outlining that other factors can play a role in such questions, such as WSIB & Human Rights.
Mental health is now a category that WSIB is now beginning to look at and this category may continue to trend in the future.
BWA Quarterly Networking Events are opportunities for everyone: Owners, Presidents, HR Professionals, Office Managers, Engineering Managers, Sales & Sales Managers, Operations Managers, Lead Hands, Supervisors, and Production Staff to learn about trends in our industry and stay connected. Leverage the power of the BWA network. Attend Quarterly Networking Events to meet people who experience the same challenges you do. Share experiences, ideas, insight, trends, and technology to prepare for new opportunities and challenges ahead.
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