Seeing Double
Over the past year, an increasing number of WMCO members are capitalizing on the WSIB value that the Health and Safety Excellence Program (HSEP) the WMCO, in partnership with CME is providing to wood manufacturers as well as suppliers. The (HSEP) program is a guided and structured program that companies can follow to implement safety procedures in their factories and warehouses and receive financial compensation for their completed works. WMCO/CME’s Program Specialist, James Ebidia was on hand to present the program in depth with real examples and financial scenarios for the return on investment.

Additionally, the pilot program that DOUBLED the rebates for small businesses (under 100 employees), has been extended until the end of 2023! If you are not familiar with the cost incentives to the HSEP – this is a big deal and worth the time to review. Standard rebates for the program are $1000/topic completed at a minimum. But if your company is a under 100 employees, your minimum rebate per topic is now $2000. Furthermore, the program fee is now waved by means of an additional $1000 rebate. For more information contact the WMCO for details.
Tools for the toolbelt kit
Canada’s largest trading partner is just next door. There is a looming concern of a potential recession on the horizon. Interest rates are rising, and housing sales are showing signs of slowing. But there is also a strong US dollar. So where does exporting Canadian made products fit into the mix of these potential headwinds? Before Canadian wood manufacturers begin to pursue exporting their wood products there is ground work to be done.
Exporting is not an overnight venture. Which is why, economic headwinds may possibly not be a material factor when a wood manufacturer is ready to go live and export to the United States. As a wood manufacturer goes through careful planning steps and attends seminars, workshops, and roundtable events – they are learning about niche markets and segments, brand development and awareness, sales development, risk management, logistics, foreign currency and more.
Peter DeGelder, President of the COGS Approach Group presented for the second half of the WMCO’s Double Header Event on how companies can think about the steps needed as they begin their journey on exporting.

The presentation brought forth a ‘tool-belt kit’ of planning guides to consider as a company guide to exporting. The tool-belt kit is part of a more comprehensive export guide created by the late Maggie Weaver, a 30-year veteran to providing expert knowledge on exporting for businesses.
WMCO members can access the full 67-page US Export Tool Kit and watch past presentations on exporting by login in to the members only area and navigating to the ‘Export Resources’ page.
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