Plant tour focus groups are another new forum to engage with members and share best practices! They are now scheduled for 2013!
Plant tour focus groups are a venue where the host company can share their current successes and challenges with other manufacturing members. Specifically, hosts can actually pose a challenge to visiting members to get feedback on real manufacturing issues and opportunities. This format has proven to be very effective to provide value to the host who experiences fresh outside eyes for guidance, but also for the visiting manufacturer. The visiting member will soon realize that they and the host have many things in common, and discussion leads to new ideas and perspectives to take back to their respective plants. This type of facilitated networking sows the seeds of innovation within a manufacturing cluster. Make sure you watch for the invitations and participate whenever possible! Watch the event calendar for details!
Upcoming tours:
- Crate Designs: Feb 6, 2013
- Bogdon & Gross: April 3
- West Brothers: May 29
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