One big advantage of participating in a cluster like the BWA is that companies can collaborate together on mutually benefitting projects they would otherwise not have access. In this example, companies alone could not afford the costs of trade show booths in large and expanding markets, and would not be eligible themselves for funding available through various government programs.
Natural Resources Canada has the Expanding Markets Program where associations (like the BWA Cluster) can create projects for multiple member companies to test the waters of new markets anywhere in the world. Take 3 BWA member companies, add a dash of MNRF funding as well, along with project management support from the BWA, some market intelligence from the regional trade commissioners, and “Voila”! We have a project in Dubai UAE at the Index Design Show!
This is the 4th time the BWA has sent companies to this show, and results are starting to accrue. Last year we had one BWA member company establish a dealer network for the region and is regularly sending the product. This year, the booth was very busy, and BWA members were staying in the region long after the show to work on follow-ups with orders coming in from very strong interest in our solid wood products from Ontario. See pictures below!
If you are a wood product manufacturer and expanding your export market is of interest to you, its time to get involved in the only functioning wood cluster of its kind in Canada!
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