Seasons greeting everyone! The Bluewater Wood Alliance and the board of directors would like to extend best wishes of the season to all of our members, future members, government partners,... read more →
As the BWA continues to attract new members from across southwestern Ontario, it is important to extend the reach of our events. When the BWA first started in 2010... read more →
Bluewater Wood Alliance Featured in Woodworking Canada! November 24, 2017 The Bluewater Wood Alliance continues to grow its membership and its reach. What started out as just a handful of... read more →
Bluewater Wood Alliance Featured in Woodworking Canada! November 24, 2017 The Bluewater Wood Alliance continues to grow its membership and its reach. What started out as just a... read more →
The type of work is: The box in the sample photos has the following dimensions. Box inside: 6.2″ long x 1.75″ wide Outside: 6.6″ Long x 2.25″ wide Lid and base: 7″... read more →
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] RFQ for wooden pen boxes The type of work is: The box in the sample photos has the following dimensions. Box inside: 6.2" long x 1.75" wide Outside:... read more →
A BWA member is seeking an ERP system compatible with Cabinet Vision. Does anyone have experience with one, or have experience with Cienapps or Global Shop Solutions? Your response is appreciated!
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