The BWA Plant Tour Focus Groups continue to draw members from far and wide from across southwestern Ontario. BWA members traveling from Chatham, Niagara, GTA, Owen Sound, and Barrie,... read more →
The strength of the Bluewater Wood Alliance cluster is that it brings into action many inputs from our industry to help members innovate! Not only do manufacturing members get to... read more →
The shop floor is where “rubber hits the road” when it comes to running your business. It is the place where BWA members feel most at home. Being on someone... read more →
Through-put challenges created by bottlenecks in production are common challenges for all manufacturers. Driving wasteful steps out of your process to decrease your lead times for product is a true... read more →
Chatham, Thorold, St. Thomas, Barrie, Stratford, GTA, and all stops in between converge for valuable BWA plant tour learning event! A true working cluster has the ability to attract members... read more →