WMCO has always been conscious of managing attendance to ensure a successful wood manufacturing focussed event.
New Process:
In order to embrace and welcome all of our Associate members, Associate members are permitted to attend any tour, if they also register a manufacturing non-member to accompany them.
This ensures that the attendance remains with a majority of manufacturers. It also introduces new companies to the network and benefits of the WMCO cluster. This suggestion has come from a few of our Associate members, in an effort to make all of the plant tours more accessible, and still accomplish the goals of the manufacturing members.
The privilege still stands for the tour host to invite associate members they choose (without the requirement of bringing a manufacturing non-member guest). The objective is that invited associate members can contribute to the production challenge portion of the tour.
We value the engagement and success of both our manufacturing members, and equally our associate members. It is what helps foster dynamic and collaborative relationships, networks, learning opportunities and business opportunities as a wood manufacturing cluster. We look forward to more engagement and opportunities to support all of our members.
Mike Baker
Chief Executive Officer
E: mbaker@wmco.ca P: 226-668-5455
Ryan Tabone
Program Coordinator/Advisor
E: rtabone@wmco.ca P: 519-504-2964
Tara Davey
Program Administrator
E: tdavey@wmco.ca P: 519-270-7141